Prof. Wenping Cao
Prof. Wenping Cao



Prof. Wenping Cao 曹文平教授

Anhui University 安徽大学

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Speech TitleFlux-based fault detection and condition monitoring techniques for electrical machines

Abstract: Electrical machines are a key component in many industrial drives and processes, and their reliable operation is of critical importance. The machines can break down due to mechanical or electrical faults while online condition monitoring will reduce the likelihood of the faults and failure. Aa any type of those faults impact on the main flux of the machine, monitoring the main flux (in the airgap) or leakage flux (outside the machine frame) is proven to be an effective means. This talk will focus on electrical winding and mechanical faults of induction motors, by using giant magnetoresistance (GMR) and Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors to measure the leakage flux for fault diagnosis and analysis. Various types of faults will be studied, compared and detected, pattern recognition and data processing methods will be developed and discussed. The non-intrusive condition monitoring approaches will provide much promise in industry to reduce the carbon emissions and operating costs of key machinery.


Wenping Cao (FIET, SMIEEE) received the B.Eng. in electrical engineering from Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, in 1991, and Ph.D. degree in electrical machines and drives from the University of Nottingham, Nottingham, in 2004. Prof. Cao is a Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering with Anhui University, Hefei City, China. He received a “Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award” in 2016, the “Dragon’s Den Competition Award” from Queen’s University Belfast, in 2014, the “Innovator of the Year Award” from Newcastle University, UK, in 2013. He has been an editor for IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Industry Application, IET Power Electronics, and several international journals. His research interests include fault analysis and condition monitoring of electrical machines and power electronics.


曹文平,男,教授,博士生导师,2020安徽省重点人才计划入选者,安徽大学二类引进人才,IEEE Senior Member,IET Fellow。国际知名的电机与电气学科专家。东南大学电气学院客座教授(2020-2023),大连理工大学电气学院客座教授(2016-2019),麻省理工学院玛丽居里研究员(2014-2016)。IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 地区主席,IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 、IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications、American Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering、IET Power Electronics、Machines、IEEE IES IE-13等期刊编委。欧盟、英国、南非、新加坡及哈萨克斯坦国家基金项目特约评审人,英国国家重点项目评审人。长期从事电机和电力电子损耗机理、故障诊断、可靠性及效能改进的基础研究,建立的电机损耗精准数学模型、试验测定方法和容错控制获得在风能、电动汽车领域的推广,研究内容包括感应、磁阻、永磁电机的设计、系统热分析、电力电子功率器件老化机理研究、精密测量、效率测试方法及国际标准制定。获得英国和欧盟资助H2020、RS Wolfson、EPSRC、FP7 EDWTGT等项目32个,总金额约660万英镑(主持480万英镑、参与180万英镑)。在国际知名期刊会议发表论文超过250篇(其中包括60 篇IEEE Transactions期刊),总影响因子超过320,引用次数超过3800,共获得最佳论文奖4篇,最佳海报奖4篇。2013年度纽卡斯尔大学科研创新比赛中冠军,并荣获“年度创新人物”称号;2014年在女王大学科研创新比赛中获得冠军;2015年参加美国麻省理工学院科研创新竞赛进入半决赛,2016获得英国皇家学会科研成就奖。