Prof. Hongzhong Ma
Prof. Hongzhong Ma



Prof. Hongzhong Ma 马宏忠教授

Hohai University 河海大学

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Speech Title: Research on fault diagnosis technology of transformer acoustic pattern imaging based on acoustic sensor array


Abstract: Power transformer is one of the main equipments of power system, and its safe and stable operation plays an important role in power system. For a long time, the sound emitted by transformers has been regarded as noise, and ignoring the sound contains a large amount of state information, and when transformers fail, their sound signals change. Therefore, this topic studies the diagnostic method of transformer sound pattern imaging based on acoustic sensor array. First of all, based on theoretical derivation, Modeling and simulation, experimental measurement and other methods to study the transformer sound pattern signal generation mechanism and propagation law. Secondly, the transformer fault diagnosis method based on deep learning models such as vector quantification, convolutional neural network and deep forest is studied. Finally, on the basis of deep mining of transformer sound pattern fault characteristics, the method of sound pattern fault location based on TODA and beam formation algorithm is studied. The results show that the transformer sound pattern imaging fault diagnosis method based on the acoustic sensor array has obvious advantages in the transformer fault diagnosis method, and shows a wide range of applications.


Hongzhong Ma, 1962.7, male, doctor, professor, doctoral supervisor, director of The Institute of Fault Diagnosis of Major Electric Power Equipment, Hohai University. Mainly engaged in the condition monitoring, fault diagnosis and health warning research of power main equipment. He is also the professional committee member of Electrical Theory and New Technology of China Society of Electrical Engineering. He has presided over 3 projects of national Natural Science Foundation of China, more than 50 projects of national 863 Science and Technology Project and state Grid science and technology project at various levels. More than 20 science and technology awards at various levels; Published about 300 academic papers; Published 9 academic monographs and textbooks; More than 60 invention patents have been authorized; Supervised 3 post-doctoral students, 21 doctoral students and more than 210 master students.


马宏忠,1962.7,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,河海大学电力重大装备故障诊断研究所所长.主要从事电力主设备状态监测、故障诊断与健康预警研究。兼任全国电力行业水轮发电机及电气设备标准化技术委员会委员,中国电机工程学会电工理论与新技术专业委员,中国机械工业教育协会高等教育教学委员会委员,IEEE PES保护与控制技术委员会(中国)电气设备在线监测与故障预警技术分委会常务理事等职。主持国家自然科学基金3项,教育部博士学科点专项科研基金、国家863科技项目、国家电网各层面科技项目50余项;获各层面科技奖励20余项;公开发表学术论文约300余篇;出版学术专著及教材9部;获发明专利授权60余项;指导博士后3名,博士研究生21名,硕士研究生210余名。