Prof. Qian Xiao
Prof. Qian Xiao



Prof. Qian Xiao

East China Jiaotong University

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Speech Title: Research on vibration reduction of metro vehicle on-board equipment based on elastic body

Abstract:Taking the intermediate car of a certain type metro vehicle as the template, the rigid flexible coupling dynamic model and multi rigid body dynamic model of metro vehicle including on-board equipment are established by using the dynamic software UM and the finite element software ANSYS, and the difference of dynamic response between the two dynamic models under straight-line and curve conditions is analyzed. The results show that the dynamic responses of multi rigid body model and rigid flexible coupling model are less different under curve conditions, while the vertical stability and comfort values of the two dynamic models are greatly different under straight-line conditions. Then, the optimal Latin hypercube test design method is used to select the suspension parameter sample points of transformer and air conditioner, and the vibration characteristic response values of vehicle body at each sample point are calculated by UM-Isight joint simulation platform. According to the vibration characteristic response values of the sample points and the corresponding vehicle body, a response surface (RMS) approximate model meeting the accuracy requirements is constructed. After completing the approximate model, the approximate model is optimized by multi-objective optimization algorithm NSGA-Ⅱ to obtain the optimal combination of vehicle equipment suspension parameters and suspension position.


In the past five years, Xiao has presided over three general projects supported by NSFC, nearly 10 provincial and ministerial projects such as the key projects of Jiangxi Natural Science Foundation, and nearly 20 horizontal topic researches of enterprises, with project funding of more than 6 million yuan. At the same time, as a main researcher, he also participated in many projects that were supported by National 863 Program, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Ministry of Railways. He has published more than 60 academic papers in Applied Surface Science, Journal of the China Railway Society, China Railway Science, Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University and other internationally-recognized journals, including nearly 40 SCI- or EI-indexed papers. His research achievements won the first prize of Jiangxi Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, Zhan Tianyou Award for Railway Science and Technology Achievement, Jiangxi Provincial Youth Science and Technology Innovation Project Award, and the second prize of the fifth Jiangxi Provincial Science and Technology Achievement Award for Universities.


近五年来,主持国家自然科学基金面向项目等3项、江西省自然科学基金重点项目等省部级项目近10项。企业横向课题等近20项,项目经费600余万元,同时,作为主研参与国家863计划项目、国家自然科学基金项目、铁道部科技项目等各类项目多项。在Applied Surface Science、铁道学报、中国铁道科学、西南交通大学学报等国内外刊物发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI/EI检索近40篇。相关科研成果获江西省科技进步一等奖、全国詹天佑铁道科学技术奖、江西省青年科技创新项目奖、第五届江西省高校科技成果二等奖。